CPN Annual Dues
The "Why" of CPN Annual Voluntary Dues
For those of you who had the opportunity to attend the CPN’s annual Gathering in Chicago in 2024, you know firsthand the value and blessings of being together in person with our Cuban siblings at the Gathering, renewing longstanding relationships, creating new bonds, strengthening mutuality and sharing God’s love. Because of this abundance of blessings and fruitfulness from such times shared, one of the primary purposes of CPN dues donations is to make such face-to-face interactions at Gatherings possible.
How does CPN use your dues?
Specifically, to paraphrase CPN’s Covenant of Cooperation:The purpose of the annual dues is to support activities of the Cuba Partners Network, including bringing Cubans to participate in CPN events and Gatherings. Additionally, donations received may be used for specific projects to benefit the mission of the Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada en Cuba (Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba).​As noted in the Covenant of Cooperation, in addition to enabling our Cuban siblings to participate in the annual Gathering, dues donated by U.S. partners have also supplemented Gathering registration receipts to make possible the event for all participants.
How much are annual CPN dues?
Keeping all of the above commitments in mind, the Steering Committee requests the following voluntary annual dues from each donor type noted below:​
Individuals: $50
Congregations: $100
Presbyteries and Synods: $150
To allow for essential planning, the Steering Committee asks that 2025 dues be sent no later than March 31, 2025.
How do I pay the dues?
Please click the button below to pay your CPN Annual Dues
If you, your congregation, presbytery, or synod has already contributed, we are grateful for your donation!
Thank you and Blessings!
CPN Steering Committee
Don't have a PayPal Account?
You can pay by Credit Card
Please read carefully
Click on the red "Contribute to the IPRC" button at the bottom of this page.
After clicking on the button, on the next screen select the yellow "PayPal Checkout" button
(PayPal account not required)

Then, on the next screen, select "Pay with Debit or Credit Card"
After payment is confirmed, select the "Back to Store" button.